Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday Night Outreach

 Today I spend the day in the church kitchen. 
Our team is making Penne with Bolognese sauce (homemade of course) for around 120 people.
 Our church has AWANA tonight and as an outreach ministry to the surrounding community, we serve dinner to anyone who would like a good meal and good fellowship, saved or unsaved. 
It's really nice to see our church family get together mid-week, see how we have all been doing, be able to share encouragement as well as be able to share the love of Christ to those who may not know Him or who may have gotten side-tracked on the road of life.
So I am off to start getting our meal together in just a few.

I'll try to get a few pictures tonight for you!

Tomorrow...well, LilBear will be wanting to go for a ride in my "wheelie-bobber"....
(my kids so named the Rubbermaid wheelbarrow that when they were about his age)

"waiting for my ride, gammaw"
(who needs a stroller??)

Have a good day :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Howdy...Here I Am...Again

I just don't know where I've been.
I thought I was here.
Then I thought I was there.
Most of the time I felt I was nowhere.

I tried to not blog.
I tried making new blogs...nuthin' seemed right.
I tried getting interested in new things..
I just got worn out.

I got a bit lost over the past year.
It wasn't BigD's accident that started it but it does seem like that day last November 18 ended one chapter in my life and then started a new one.
Problems been starting the new one.
Like when you finish a chapter of a book and are going to start the next but the first few paragraphs just fall flat.
That's how I have been feeling.

So I stepped back and regrouped.
I simplified and de-junked my house (still at it) and de-junked my life (finishing that up now).

We are in a new church, growing and serving....God is good.
We are slowing down and enjoying our life together and with our family...God is good.
I am being honest with myself, content with being me and so hear I am.

and here is Trapper and LilBear...

my girls...I Finally got a rooster this past week!!

we are down to four goats now...and a cat.
We had to put our Jack Russell down a few months back....that was hard.

So I am looking forward to remaking acquaintances
and making some new ones as my internet signal allows, of course.
Hope you'll check in from time to time :)